Tuesday, August 31, 2010

5 Chernobyl questions...

1. How are the lifeforms, andimals, plants, etc. living in Chernobyl when other towns are impacted in such ways like Sweden and Norway who had to carry off the bodies of dead animals that had eaten infected grass?
2. Why is Chernobyl suitable for life and places like Sweden and norway, they had to remove lots of dead lifeforms because they had eaten contaminated soil?
3. If other bombing such as Hiroshima were hundreds of time more powerful why did only 87 people die when the thousands at the bombings die.
4. "One corner of a field might be highly dangerous, while just a few yards away levels seemed low." What caused this to be that way?
5. Why did Thyroid cancer increase so much after Chernobyl?

Monday, August 30, 2010

5 questions

1. What about the chemicals in the river what happened to those?
2. What will happen if another blizzard backed up with a early spring shows up in the next few years?
3. Has anyone gotten sick from some sort of chemicals in the last 30 years?
4. How close are people living to the canal?
5. What will happen in the event of a natural disaster?


1. The blizzard in 1977 caused the love canal to overflow and when it overflowed the chemicals were pushed up through the ground.
2. Some of the hazards were cancer, liver problems, and birth defects.
3. The fish in other creeks Darby that had chemicals leaked into may have been harmed by it as a well as animals that depend on that water to live.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hazzards of oil dispersants

After reading the article and watching the video we learned that BP is using a chemical called corexit to dissovle and break down the oil through the water. The articles said that BP claimed 26% of the oil is left are tarballs were sheen. We also learned that some of the long term effects on marine life are the existing tar balls sinking to the bottom of the ocean and polluting the sea floor and sea floor marine life such as crabs and lobsters. Also there is some of the tar balls washing up on shore polluting the beaches.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8th grade DLC Reflection

1. What might be some ways to remove the oil without harming any animals?
2. What do you think will happen to all the fish that were taken into captivity from the gulf after they are replaced?
3. What are some of the pros and cons of using the chemicals to break down oil?